Monday, August 11, 2014

The Weeks Ahead

I thought taking off a week to get things settled here in the house was a good idea. WRONG! I've been sick and in bed for most of it. So, as I am feeling better I should tell you what I have been thinking while stuck in bed.

First; I think Monday-Thursday word sprints will be our normal 30 minute ones. Then changing Saturdays to 3 1k1hr sprints. I know a few of you are ones that once you get going it's hard to stop to report wordie counts. If you have any other ideas please let me know. Many of you are busy with work, kids and significant others. 

Second: In there I changed names of characters, the order of their own stories and wrote descriptions of new places that will appear. Dang those characters who don't like what I plan for them.

Finally: I figured out what we are doing for NaNoWriMo and a few blog posts are about ready for November. Yeah I said November.

As it is just after CampNaNoWriMo, editing is permitted for sprints. Remember @GetWordies you can use deleted total and added totals together. If you have a program that doesn't track changes use your best guess. Others use the number of pages or chapters edited. Add hashtag #amediting.
If you didn't participate in CampNaNoWriMo in July try NaNoWriMo in November. I know 50,000 wordies in a month seems a lot. It's not really. Just writing over 1600 wordies a day you can make it. Plus @GetWordies will be running 2 10kWritathons that month along with other wordsprint fun. In October I will be posting blogs about preparing for NaNoWriMo in November. It is a bit different than Camp. 

Now as we have a few months before NaNoWriMo, take a break, relax, edit, research, or anything else your life will allow you to do. Stressing about your writing is not helpful and you will end up with Writer's Block.

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