Monday, June 23, 2014

Camp is About Here!

As July 1st approaches many of us writers are getting ready for CampNaNoWriMo. 

Finishing up...
research and organizing the last of the many notes we have laying around, not to mention all those thoughts that just jump into our heads when we least expect it. I just a few days we will begin the hard part, putting it all together and making sense of it.

I know I have touched on many of the things I will this post but it is always good to know everything you can, especial before a month of stress and intense writing.

This week you should...
not only be preparing for a month of wonderful writing but also meals, handy snacks and quick drinks. Click Writer's Food tab at the top for tons of great ideas.

If you are looking for a new program to write with...
 check out Scrivener's free 30 day uses (not 30 days but 30 days you open the program). Grab it at Literature & Latte. Need help with keeping the time line in order check out Aeon Timeline at Scribble Code. This free trial is 20 days of use (as with Scrivener it's the days you use it.).

Keeping your blog readers up to date...
on your word counts are made easy by Sarra Cannon with her counters. Sarra's Word Meter is great to update multiple blogs with a click or two. She also has many other Indie Writer's Resources. Language is a Virus has a great NaNo word counter widget.  Writing for Your Supper has many word counter links for you as well.

As for the writing process there are many resources on Twitter. 
Get Wordies for example. We run 30 minute wordsprints Mon-Thurs and and during July we will be having more than our normal schedule and tossing in some 1k1hr to help you along. July 26th is out 10kWritathon (10,000 wordies in 1 day(12 hours- 10 hours of writing). Check out our Sprint Schedules for our times among many others that have sprints. Don't forget #writeclub with @FriNightWrites and @Sprint Shack on Twitter.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

July CampNaNo

July is CampNaNoWriMo

You never heard of CampNaNo or NaNoWriMo? 

Well, it's like National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo).November is NaNoWriMo. It is a fun, seat-of-your-pants approach to creative writing. Participants work toward the goal of writing a 50,000-word draft during the month of November. Valuing enthusiasm, determination, and a deadline, NaNoWriMo is for anyone who has ever thought fleetingly about writing a novel.

Camp is different in many ways. 

Camp NaNoWriMo is a more open-ended version of our original November event. Camp sessions are in both April and July, word-count goals can be between 10,000 and 1,000,000. In addition, writers may attempt non-novel projects. Camp is a creative retreat for whatever you’re working on! It starts July 1st and runs the whole month.

It's a fun way to meet others like you. Whether you are just starting out or have been published. You are assigned to a cabin, if you choose. A cabin is comprised of up to 11 fellow Campers to communicate and share encouragement with during a Camp NaNoWriMo session. This is not a requirement though.

You have plenty of time to register for CAMP. First cabin assignments ate done in 4 days. But CAMP doesn't start until July 1st.

To help you achieve your goal Get Wordies will be running a 10k writathon over at Twitter on July 26th. 
We will do it for our normal 12 hours. Here's the new thing. Participate for the times in YOUR time zone. That means if Get Wordies is starting at 8am you start when your clock says 8am. Follow the themes and have fun. With us doing it this way I will be using Tweet Deck. That means I won't be commenting or favoring your tweets until the next day unless I am online. I can't be up for 24 hours straight.
This Writathon is for those who need the push to make their goal for CampNaNo. Though you don't have to be CAMPING to participate.

**National Novel Writing Month is also a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that believes your story matters. 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

10kWritathon Thoughts

I have a few things I do before a 10kWritathon. Snackies, yes snackies. We all needs them while we write. Here are a few I have done for NaNoWriMo and CampNaNoWriMo.  Of course you can always stick to chips, cupcakes, brownies and the occasional ice cream.   Puppy Chow, many kinds of Chex Mix, small cookies, Dilled Oyster CrackersTrail Mix Caramel Corn MixClassic Snack, and homemade Snack Chips.  If you are working away from the kitchen, you can make having drinks handy by using a small cooler with frozen bottled water for the ice. The water thaws and you have more to drink. I keep my sodas in one. Then of course I make sure I have research caught up and notes/outlines ready.

As for meal, yeah some of us have family that will need attending to; My crock pot/slow cooker is my bestie for these writathons. I usually have a dozen crock pot meals in the freezer ready to go so it makes it easy, but you can use the same recipes or your families favorite. Crock pot meals for 10kWritathon days...snacks.
Have toddlers? Well use my mom's simple form to entertain them at the table/desk. You'll need a ziplock bag and pudding or yogurt. Put the pudding in the bag seal while letting most of the air out. Now it's a writing utensil. My kids spent hours drawing and trying to write with this simple and cheap idea. For older kids I used to set them at the table with art supplies. I would be right there writing while they created as well. For teens, well you're on your own for those. I just send mine away with the car or to his room with video games.

If you have any more ideas, please leave them in the comment section.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Scrivener: Why I Love It!

Scrivener has made my life much easier as I achieve to be a published author. Before, I was lost. I had note cards scattered throughout the house, notebooks (about 50) laying around the house and always screamed when I couldn't find the one I needed at the moment.
I am a free writer, as in I never do an outline per-say. I get my characters, some idea of what I want them to do and write. Usually my characters never do what I thought they would. Scrivener has changed all that ciaos of tracking my characters mind-changing events. Example: I had planned on two certain characters to get together but in the current WIP the girl is liking a different guy than I intended.


1.) Scrivener allows me to import research, photos,  MS Word docs. This helps with organizing it all in one place. You don't have to have 50 million screens open and bounce between them.

2.) Cork-board mode is my best friend. Here I can have my note cards and move them around. In Scrivener, every document is attached to a virtual index card onto which you can jot a synopsis; moving the cards on Scrivener’s corkboard rearranges their associated text in your draft. Mark common themes or content using labels, or stack cards, grouping related documents together. I have folders for each wolf pack with all their pack members. I can click on the folder and see everyone's photo I have suggested for them. You can also move you chapters and scenes around to re-order them in corkboard mode.  I can just drag the notes cards to re-order them. As mine are in order of rank at the moment. It would be easy and take less than a minute to change that to age. I have the definitions is alphabetical order but had them in order they appeared at first. It took me 3 minutes to move the note cards around.

3.) Ease of moving things around. As I said it's easy to move your notes, research, chapters, scenes and characters in cork-board mode. It is also easy to move them around in the binder. All you have to do is drag what you want moved and move it! It's that simple.

4.) Being able to have photos on your note-cards has me jumping every time I open the screen. Having them to jog my memory as to what someone or some place looks like is easier than opening up my pictures on my computer. They are right there. And the split-screen makes it quick work to look up a fact on a note-card.

5.) I love the fact that I can color code everything in my binders. As you can see below I have changed their look. It makes it easier the click the correct one without reading the names.  You can also code your note cards. The coloring can be all of it or just some of it, like I have. Or it can be just the outside border.

6.) It makes it easier for me to start another novel in my series by dragging the info from one project to a new one. I don't have to retype it all in. Everything is there with a click or 2.

7.) I love that it tracks my word counts for each session and the whole document. It keeps me on track with my daily word counts. Below is my current WIP. As you can see it allows you to set the whole document goal and the session goal. AS you progress the bars turn color. When you get really close to your goal it turns green!

8.) The name generator has been a big help. I can set it for regions of the world and click 'generate' and is comes up with a list of names. Settings can be male/female, first/last names, meanings, and you can import others.  I usually use this for last names rather than first of middle and I change the spelling if it's for a current character.
9.) The full screen makes it easier for me, personally, to edit. It blocks out all the distractions of windows I might have open.

10.) Compiling into e-pub for makes it easy for me to proof-read it anywhere. I have done it while waiting for the kids to get out of school or at the doctor's office. All I do is upload it to my NOOK.

There are many other things that can be done with the program but I haven't learned everything yet. Learning everything I can do may take years but as I go, I learn a little more and the more I love it. Windows version is a little behind Mac but they are working on it. I have been working on Binders but haven't had a need for them yet. Some use it to track all their blogging, not me; at least not yet. 

If you prefer a more traditional planning environment? View and edit the synopses and meta-data of your documents in Scrivener’s powerful outliner. Organize your ideas using as many or few levels as you want and drag and drop to restructure your work. Check word counts, see what’s left to do using the Status column. Scrivener’s outliner is easy on the eyes, too, making it ideal for reading and revising an overview of a section, chapter or even the whole draft.

Others I have talked with say,
' It's a must for me.  Keeps everything all in one place.'

' I adore Scrivener - it allows me to visually order scenes & keep everything open. Plus character & research tabs.'

' I have full versions for both PC & Mac! Still hoping for iOS.'

Get a free 30 day use version of Scrivener at
If you're not sure watch the tutorials and get more of an idea of how it can help you with your writing.

*All screenshots are mine. The photos are from Literature&Latte's website.
**This blog is my opinion and mine alone. I am not paid for my views on the product.