Sunday, March 5, 2017

March is Here

As March starts we prepare for Spring and everyone's writing times may change, nice weather. We also look forward to CampNaNoWriMo starting April 1st (You can sign up now!). It's also time for Spring Cleaning...
Go through all WIPs and check out if you want to pull them from the 'vault' for CampNaNoWriMo.


All notes
Scraps of paper
All note cards
Desk & other writing areas

Stock up on:

note cards
printer ink
printer paper

This is also a great time to check out some new writing tools & software. Scrivener, Scapple, Aeon Timeline, Dragon, Ulysses, Focus Writer, Evernote, LibreOffice, and Hemingway.

I personally use Aeon Timeline 2, Scapple & Scrivener. Need help ask and I might be able to help you.

Another great place I like is myWriteClub and of course Twitter!


@FriNightWrites has returned. Fridays at 7pm CT they hold word sprints for several hours. It's called #WriteClub. Check them out on Twitter.