Thursday, March 27, 2014


As we prepare for CampNaNoWriMo we can struggle with the simplest things. Plots, characters and most of all what to write. I have heard many times 'write what you know'. That just doesn't apply to me. I am what you call a free-writer, I write what comes to me as I sit here at the computer.

For those that have no idea what CampNaNoWriMo is, it's similar to NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) that's held in November. 50,000 words in 30 days. You must start a novel from scratch, though the idea doesn't have to be new. Camp is a bit different, you set your own word goal and are in a group (aka cabin) with others that are there for help. You are also not limited to a novel; cook books, self-help books, children's books, picture books, etc.

If you think this is all overwhelming, it's not. I participated in NaNoWriMo for the first time this last November. I made it to 50k in 25 days. The daily goal to reach 50k in a month is 1666 wordies. With all the word sprints on Twitter it isn't that hard. During CampNaNoWriMo you also have your 'cabin' mates to help push you along.

Try it out next month or in July. There is no shame in not meeting your goal and the experience is wonderful.


Take a look at the word meters to the left. If you's like one hop on over to Sarra's Word Meter and customize one of your very own. It's simple and easy. They automatically update on your blogs and web pages as you update on her site.

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