Average daily wordie count to hit 50k in 30 days is 1667. Here is daily goals after 10kWritathons
1 10k= 1380 a day
2 10k= 1072 a day
3 10k= 740 a day
That means you getting closer to the 50k in less days. Wouldn't that be great. Within 2 weekends you could be done to 740 wordies a day. Then toss in #writeclub and regular wordsprints and it could be even less. It would be great to hit 30k by the 10th huh?
SO, clear your calendar for Nov. 2nd, Nov. 6th-7th and 15th for Writathons! Actually, since @FriNightWrites their starts their writathon Aussie time thats 3 days of writing second weekend. With the time zone changes most writathons are around 48 hours when it's all said and done.
Now, there is a bonus with @FriNightWrites writathon for NaNo. The have PRIZES! Yeah, I said prizes.
Okay Wordlings. Here is the final Writathon Schedule
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