Have you sat at your desk or laptop and just stared at the screen not knowing where to begin or where you need to go? Well, that's writer's block. Don't deny it, we all have had this feeling.
What I do to get past a block:
- Clean the house (It makes me feel accomplished and it helps)
- Change the place you write in (I go from my room to the kitchen to the living room)
- Write every thought down no matter how small. ( I have a steno notebook in my purse, by my bed, in the bathroom and one downstairs)
- If continuing a work, read over what you have, edit it if need be. (It gets you back into the story, poem, etc.)
- Do word sprints on twitter or with friends.
- Work on characters (back story) that have yet to appear in the story-line.
- Write a short story with a character from what you're working on.
- Set a specific time to write, whether it's for 10 minutes or more.
- Use writing prompts over at @WritingPrompt.com on Twitter and our page 'Sprint Schedules'
- Grab that dusty old dictionary, open it to a page and point to a word. Use that word in a sentence ten words or less. (Gets your creative mind working).
- Change your writing music. (I jump from meditation to 70's & 80's rock even some rap)
- Schedule your writing blocks with 10-15 minute breaks in between. This allows you to write and do small tasks during the break. (Getting things done helps me feel accomplished, whether it's writing or housework)
Top 10 Tips for Overcoming Writer's Block By Ginny Wiehardt
The 10 Types of Writers' Block (and How to Overcome Them) by Charlie Jane Anders
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