Camp has ended. What now? You have several options. You can keep working on your Camp WIP, edit it, set it aside or even lock it in a vault.

Many of you who won will continue to work on it in one way or another. Finishing a WIP is rewarding. Continuing it, if not finished, will give you a complete work to publish. Editing is the second step, if you begin you can see the advantages to having a time restriction on you wordie count goal. Yes there are going to be several errors, add ins, and out-takes. This is natural with speed writing. Don't be afraid to hack it, change it drastically or even start completely over.
Your Winner Goodies can help with all of these choices. Make sure you check them out (go to you Camp dashboard, click on CAMPER PROFILE, then Winner Goodies.) and take advantage of them. If you already have Scrivener you can give your code to a fellow writer who wants it but doesn't want to spend the money. (50% off is a great deal.)
As we wait for July's CampNaNo, our wordie grabbings will change. Please vote on the poll to your right so I can set them up when they are needed most. This first full week of May is a hit and miss for grabbings. I will be out of the house the majority of the time. Watch for announcements. I will give 30 minute warnings. May 9th I will update our grabbing times on this site; also letting others who post our times that they have changed.
You can always use #wordgrab and hold your own wordie grabbings with others even if we aren't available.