After all that, it's time for a reward. It could be as small as a candy bar or as large as a trip somewhere like Paris. AS for me I am just going to take a week and work on my TBR (to be read) list. Others have made day trips with the family to catch up on what they have been doing while you were writing your bum off.
When you have relaxed a bit, its time for those time consuming edits. LifeHacker has wonderful ideas for this step. University of North Carolina has a great site with editing tips. This is the one I tend to refer back to. They say the 1st step is to take a break from your just finished work. See I told you! LOL These are only 2 of many sights that can help with the editing process. Utilize them, that's what they are there for. Just a little thing I learned in college; use a GREEN pen or text color for edits. Your brain tends to remember things in green better.
Don't stress with editing. If you are the type to trust a person to help with your work then ask them to read through it and make suggests or correction that'll help you. I know, many of us hate others reading our works until it's finished. Trusting another with your work is difficult at times. The fear that it sucks or they totally hate it is present the whole time they have it. Though at some point you should have another go through it for errors such as spelling, punctuation, verb tense and flow of the work. When you edit it, you are more likely to skip over the little things like colon vs. semi-colon. That's my issue! Or I even type 'o' for the word 'to'. Yeah don't ask me how or why that happens. At least I know the problem before I go in and edit.
WoW! That's more info than I intended. SO, know you know my editing faults, tell me yours below in the comment section. Yes, I mean share with the class. It will help us all become better editors and writers along the way.
Have a great time off and stop in to see what's NEW after August 10th.
Reminder @GetWordies will be offline (closed) August 1st through August 9th
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