Sunday, July 10, 2016

In Full Swing

CampNaNo is in full swing. Wordies are flying and progress is being made for most of us. We had an extra day of wordie grabs Saturday July 9th and I saw a few newbies. It's great seeing new writings joining in. Please make them welcome with encouragement and help when they need it.

For the BIG news!

Our Writathon is only a couple of weeks away.
July 23rd
9am-9pm CDT

50 minute wordie grabs with 10 minutes between. Always starting at the :00.  You do NOT need to write with us the entire time. Jump in whenever you have time.

Working on Planning more Wordie Grabs

With newbies maybe we can add a few more wordie grabs a week. Comment below or Tweet times you'd like to grab tons of wordies. I'm open to regularly scheduled ones or a certain days (non-repeating). All you have to do is ask and I'll see what I can do.

Remember you can contact us in the comment section here, email us at or Tweet us @GetWordies.