Never heard of it, well here's what CampNaNoWriMo website has to say about it...
"Camp NaNoWriMo is a more open-ended version of our original November event. We have Camp sessions in both April and July, and we welcome word-count goals between 10,000 and 1,000,000. In addition, writers may attempt non-novel projects. Camp is a creative retreat for whatever you're working on!"
It's a lot like NaNoWriMo but you have cabins where others are there to help if you get stuck.
What is a cabin you ask?
"A cabin is comprised of up to 11 fellow Campers to communicate and share encouragement with during a Camp NaNoWriMo session. You are assigned to a cabin based on the preferences you select in “Cabin Settings.”"
Cabins help you through the whole process. You can ask for help, give you input to someone else's project or just chat about whatever. I have found that having this resource is very helpful. A bonus is you get to meet great people with your interests. Many will become lifelong writing friends.
I use Camp to write novellas so my goal is less than 50k wordies. Usually 35k is my main goal, though I have written more during camp.
For @GetWordies during camp, we will have a writathon once again. 12 hours of 50 minute sprints. This time I'll yell out halfway marks. Check out the date 'Writathons'
Do you have to be participating? NO, our writathons are open to all.
How to prepare for Camp!
There are many way to prepare.
- Register with CampNaNoWriMo
- Get your idea of what you want to write
- Set wordie goal (remember 10k-100k)
- Outline or jot down plot ideas
- Research- characters, places etc.
- Find inspirational photos (I pin them on Pinterest)
- Set times that you WILL write
- Organize everything
- Find sitters if you need them
- For long writing sessions plan/prepare snackies/meals
- Use our meal ideas from our Pinterest
- Anything else you can think of
Those of you who have participated comment below on your experience and what kind of projects you have did for them.