As a writing or an aspiring writer you probably set goals for 2015. Whether it be wordie count goals, chapter goals or even scene goals Now Is the time to start a new tradition...... writing every day. Getting into the habit of writing every day is a tremendous help in achieving goals.
- Having your writing time the same time every day (if possible) helps to get that habit going.
- Use word sprints for writing and editing.
- Join The Write Chain Challenge to motivate you to hit your goal.
- Set aside as much time for Writathons and Fridays. (Fridays are #writeclub day/night)
- Carry notebooks & pens at all times. Or even use your smartphone for notes.
- Take part in CampNaNo in April and July.
- Do NaNoWriMo in November.
- Plan meals ahead of time. Check out our Pinterest for meal ideas.
Those are just a few I have put into practice. There are many other groups that have contest type goals for the year. Just look around and ask others on Twitter or your current writing group.
If you are looking for help organizing and having everything in one place for 2015,
Scrivener might be right for you. I have everything from pictures to research with everything in between. I am working on a series... Scrivener has an easy drag and drop from one project to another. This helps with transferring character bios, places, and timeline to the new project.
As you can see here, it's easy a making scrambled eggs. Looking at the yellow box on the right, you can see that I have a picture in the inspector area. The corkboard where the red box is shows the notecards and you have the ability to move them around. I have them in order of pack rank. You can use this mode with the manuscript as well. This pink box shows the title of your scene, this will show at the top of your note card as well. I don't name mine until I'm ready to edit the 2nd time. The orange to your left is the binder. This is where all your folders are. I have my 3 sections and then I put in the scenes into those folder. You can see all the characters, definitions, research and all that are also there. and last the green box is you word counter. You can set it for total count and a count for each session. My session target is my daily goal.
Okay that's enough about my lovely writings. If you use Scrivener or another word processor yell and tell us why?
Tell us what your 2015 writing resolutions are.
All pictures in this post are my original work. Do NOT copy or publish. (copyright 2015)